Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I have a friend. and her life is pure drama. Not fun drama like I tend to have on occation, (I consider the goat to be fun drama) but mega drama.

I have known her for about a year now, and I often see her making choices that will lead to more drama for her. I know she does the best that she can and in a lot of ways I am very impressed with her. But I know that there are times when she could save herself heartache if she would just think about what she is doing. But quite honestly, I no longer think I have the answers and in some cases she makes the decisions that I think I would make in her shoes. (even though I would like to pretend that I wouldn't) And maybe that is the real reason get frustrated, because I would be doing the same thing if I were her and I know that would be foolish!

So I will just keep my mouth shut, and listen, so that I am not a hippocrite. But I do get a little weary of the constant drama. I wonder if others feel the same about me...

I guess that's why I don't talk about how I check my email constantly hoping the T has written. Or talk about any of the other madness that goes through my head where he is involved, because, what good does it do but make me droll and fustrating?


Sandro Palacios said...

hey gina what sign is your friend?

Ginamonster said...

I can't remember. What do you have between Thanksgiving and Christmas? I know it's before Christmas, but I can't remember when.

Sandro Palacios said...

Sagitarius maybe. For a female they seem to have a lot of issues sometimes drama Queens.

Ginamonster said...

It's often the people around her, her family and landlord, which I admit, I have a fair amount of that too. I wouldn't call her a Drama Queen, there's just certain situations I feel like she invites that she knows will bring on more stress. I feel like a bad friend talking about it.