Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Boy Roomie and I decided

That since I won't drill into the brick walls at my house to hang pictures, that we need handsome men scattered about holding the wall decor for me. And a few Bikini women for him.


Lulu said...

Are you taking applications? ;)

NWJR said...

You better hope hunky men and bikini girls don't hook up.

Of course, then you'd have decor holders for the kids' rooms...

Ginamonster said...

Hey, someone in the house has to be the eye candy!

Lulu: it is important that your rack not be bigger than mine. we already have two sets of DD's in the house. that's a lot of boobage.

nwjr: I didn't think of that. damn. bikini girls aren't the same when they have pregnent bellies.

LBButt: what can I say? I'm full of...ideas.