Wednesday, March 01, 2006


if you farted in the swimming pool while wearing said panty hose would the air get caught in the feet, or would it aerate out the little holes in your hose? Maybe it would only get caught in the foot area if you swim faster than the speed of fart.


Ginamonster said...

That. would. be. hilarious.

If the government decides to waste..err...spend tax money finding an answer to this question, do I get kickbacks for it?? cuz, you know, I can always use government kickbacks.

NWJR said...

I'll let you know the next time I wear pantyhose in the pool. I'll make sure I eat lots of Mexican food first.

Ginamonster said...

hee, hee. EEW!

Sensei said...

Flatulent Man! Able to leap to conclusions...strong enough to knock a fly off a poop wagon... faster that a speeding fart.

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