Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a wonderful time!

I had a wonderful time on the Jestertunes Radio show! I will post the podcast tomorrow. We talked about Pudding wrestling, the Socktopus, and Roller Derby!

as well as our experiences with internet dating.


Anonymous said...

oh how i want a socktopussy. that thing is awesome. then again, so are you!

shiny said...

Bravo on a great show! You and Lee did wonderfully with the improvisation during the technical difficulties.

I'm well-versed in the making of sock monkeys; perhaps next time I should step it up and go for the octopus...

Ginamonster said...

hello- *blush* thanks! I want to perfect the pattern. That was my first soctopus. I have two more pairs of tights though!

shiny! I want to see your monkeys! i haven't tried an octopus out of a regular pair of socks. I have seen an elephant though.

othurme said...

Great show. I your new biggest fan.

Jester said...

Such fun! Thank you for being such a good sport!

Chickie said...

The soctopus rocks!