Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy HNT!

I skipped practice tonight, partially to listen to Jestertunes on blogtalkradio, but mostly because damnit, I am tired. Today I spent most of my day pulling ceramic tile out of a shower (drywall too). Add that to my exhaustion from last night's practice and my slightly sore ankle, and I decided to leave it for a night.

SO I made myself a big cup of mint chocolate cocoa. Happy HNT


Jester said...

I'm so glad you called in! You deserved a day off!

Miss Britt said...

I have yet to be able to listen to one of Jester's shows. :-(

Unknown said...

Hey! Good to "meet" you last night on the radio show!

Ginamonster said...

Jester, Thanks! It was fun to be a part of your show.
Britt, There's always the replay! I'm sure you will find a moment to do so. Eventually.
Sylvia, same to you! I think we were of similar opinions!

Osbasso said...

Ooh, a big cup of that would do me some good right now!

Anonymous said...


I just looked at your profile.

Arts, crafts, and boobs? Are you me?

Ginamonster said...

obasso, there's nothing like a giant cup of cocoa to make me feel fine!

Liz, could be...