Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Random giant banana plant I found in Old Town. At least I think it's a giant banana. Correct me if I am wrong. It was lovely. The flower? bigger than my head.

No word. As my friends keep reminding me, it's only been two days. I am an impatient individual. However I did manage NOT to even turn on my computer last night, which was good because it would have been a bit of a waste of time. However, I did get some pillows made for my couch, so I was able to channel my energy somewhere else. I also made a batch of soap, read my book, watched movies....Thank goodness I have plans for tonight and tomorrow night. Actually, I will be having a massage after work tomorrow. I'm overdue and my body hurts. Here are the pillows...


Rich | Championable said...

Dang, dude. Your neurosis makes you PRODUCTIVE.


Gary said...

Nice pillows. I love cylander pillows. They always look so inviting.

shqipo said...

massage for valentine's? niiice ;)

Ginamonster said...

Rich, yeah. I get really wound up

Gary, thanks. I like them too. they are very snuggly.

Shquipo, it was.