Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Uncontainable excitement


fringes said...

Wow. A passport. I am officially jealous. The world is at your...okay...I'm out of cliches. Just. Wow.

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Cool! I was excited when I got mine too, where will you go?

THW said...

They printed your passport in Russian!

Oh, no wait. It's just backwards.

NWJR said...

I have one I've never used. I get it out every now and then and dream, though.

Here's hoping yours sees some action.

Sensei said...

Take me with you!

This is in prep for your Alaska trip, right?

Ginamonster said...

fringes, I'm so excited, I squealed at the mailbox

michelle, everywhere!

thw, hee hee. nice to see you again, I will drop by more often now that you and your lovely wife are back to posting!

nwjr, I sure hope it does!

sensei, I'm going to Alaska?

Sensei said...


Ginamonster said...

LOL. I don't think I need a passport to go there either! But I want to! I might go to Alaska on the Mom cruise, we will have to see.