Monday, April 07, 2008

So, I know this girl

And this girl has an alter ego we like to call Fartina. Fartina was all alone in the office today and feeling secure.

And then her boss came in. and he sniffed the air and asked what that smell was. And Fartina didn't know because she couldn't smell anything, but she suspected, and she played ignorant because that's what ladies do.

And her boss said it smelled really sweet. You know, like in a good way. And Fartina giggled in her head and refrained from saying, "that's because I just farted" even though her boss would have thought that was especially funny.


Chickie said...

Well, Fartina must really be made of sugar and spice and everything nice.

lzymzy said...

I love Fartina! From a distance of course.

Ginamonster said...


seester-hee hee. Fartina lives a funnier life than her cohort.