Monday, April 28, 2008

Where oh where has my monster gone?


It appears that I have been a little bit busy. Between Derby and the Cowboy and the house, I feel like I am never home. Which is okay because it's a little lonely here and I don't like to be here since I know I can't really afford it. That wouldn't bother me so much if I were using the whole house, but I still don't go into Poo's old room. And I have very little seating. I do watch the Simpsons and Family guy with reckless abandon though. When I remember that they are on. When I am at home.

Actually, tonight, I told the Cowboy that I was staying home to do this and this and...Even though I was really tempted to ask if he wanted company. But I don't want us to get sick of each other and I REALLY need to stay home more. Gas is killing me...


RebTurtle said...

"Gas is killing me..."

I thought Fartina took care of that....

Good to have you back. I was starting to worry - and get bored!

othurme said...

I hope your tummy feels better.

Ginamonster said...

Hey you two! I meant Gasoline!

smart asses

Chickie said...

I arrived too late to leave my fart joke. Rats.

Nice boa!