Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm starting to get creative-er

Happy HNT!

I slept with this pile of laundry last night, and I think I'm going to sleep with it again tonight. so there.


Rich | Championable said...

Yay for creativicitousness!

Gretta James said...

Do your laundry woman lol.

Gretta xx

Anonymous said...

hey i missed your birthday! but happy belated - and wtg on your creativitinessism!

lzymzy said...
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lzymzy said...

I like the plant that sprouted out of your head. It's about time, you've had quite the protuberance budding for ages. Now you know why your hair won't lay flat. I didn't want to tell you. Thought it'd be a neat surprise.

Ginamonster said...

Rich, :)

Gretta, I wouldn't sleep with DIRTY laundry! I just need to put it away!

Sharon, no worries, thanks!

Lzymzy, at least it turned out to be a plumeria instead of one of those stinky corse flowers.

Ginamonster said...

corpse. corpse flower.

Chickie said...

Nothing wrong with sleeping with laundry. The body heat helps get the wrinkles out of the clothes.