Sunday, February 15, 2009

How it turned out

B was an hour late for which I was pissed but slightly more forgiving on account of the flowers he brought. I know. I am a woman though and I can be bribed. I don't deny it. They're pretty.

Dinner was delicious and we worked well in the kitchen together where possible. It's a very small kitchen; really only built for one person at a time. I did my best to stay out of his way. Working well in the kitchen together is a very important point for me. 

Roommate stayed gone until 9 or 9:30 and only chatted at us when she came home, then out of her room to make popcorn, and I think one other time. Sadly, B was not feeling well and had to get home to the kids so he did not stay the night.

On the bright side, I am REALLY enjoying my clean house. And I started my garden today. YAY! AND I am enjoying looking through some old design magazines at ideas for redecorating the office when I take over the larger of the two spare rooms and turn the office into the spare room.

On the nerve wracking side, I think the roommate overheard me telling Wifey about how I refused to go out to her car in my slippers to get her phone for her. Even for a dollar. Two. Two fifty. She thought I needed the money. I already had shoes on (I have SLIPPERS on. White fluffy, fuzzy slippers. My slippers don't go outside. Especially when it is snowing out. It was just as easy for her to go put her shoes on and get her phone as it was for me to do it. It just wasn't worth the money. AND I am tired of doing things for money for her. Like yesterday when I put her clothes away for ten bucks when I was supposed to be cleaning the rest of the house before B came over. These are the things that stress me out. And make me ashamed that I agree to it. I am a whore...) So I'm talking to Wifey on the phone in my office-the door to which does not close all the way because I have shoe organizers full of yarn hanging on it, and I hear a noise. I'm not sure how long she was out there, I didn't hear her bedroom door open, and I really shouldn't care...


RebTurtle said...

Sooner or later she needs to realize that what makes you happy and what she thinks makes you happy aren't the same. Unfortunately it's just not a simple thing to do. Unintended moments like this help, even if they are uncomfortable.

VickeyMichelle said...

Im gonna guess she is oblivious as dinner conversation went really well and no evil glances were noticed.