Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Has it been that long?

Sometime in the last 2 weeks or so I looked at my arm (where my watch would be if i wasn't too lazy and cheap to have a new battery put in one of the lovelies in my jewelry box) and realized that I have lived in Reno/Sparks for 2 years.

For those that are mobile, this is not a great accomplishment. For me, who spent the first 30 years of my life in the same city/county it's something to note. My friends, when I left, said I would be back in a year. It took two to start thinking about it, and I admit that I have.

It's been hard to be away from my family. We make arrangements, but knowing that I can't just pop on over and visit has struck a blow. Add my darling neice to the arrangement and it's as if I have developed a hole in my heart. A giant, achy hole.

These last couple of months have been tough too. There are things I haven't talked about and things about which I have said too much. With all the frustration that swirled around NG (Now to be known here, as he is known at work, as Hi5) and around Derby, I thought seriously about packing up and going back. Then, when I was done feeling sorry for myself, I realized that the issues that I have here I will have there. And what I don't have there is a job and a home.

Things are not how I expected when I moved here. the job that brought me here didn't work out. I've had my heart broken. I haven't bought a house. Poo has moved away. I still don't have a library card.

And yet, I have so much. I love my job. I'm reimmersing myself in my business. I'm shrinking out of my size 8's and not for lack of lucky charms and booze in my diet. roller derby fills a need for friendship and exercize that I have never found before. Puppybutt. I'm going tomorrow with a group of gals to watch Shakespeare. I'm going camping with another group this weekend. (some overlap) I have Autfest and mudwrestling coming up.

Busy busy. And yet, I read two books this week. I can't afford to keep buying them so I'm off to the library for a card. TODAY. Unlike last time I tried to get one, I can prove that I live here! My garden is growing. Not just literally, but figuratively too.

It's a nice feeling, when you finally look up from the grindstone and realize just how happy and utterly full you are. (except for that hole where my family goes...Thankgiving can't possibly come soon enough)


BrattyD said...

while I understand the family thing, I was VERY relieved to read that blog taking a turn for the better at the end. We love our Grace VERY much and derby would NOT be the same without you.

VickeyMichelle said...

Let me know when you get motivation, I have 5 watches waiting for batteries....

Sensei said...

The parallels, including the time frames are uncanny.