Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Your roommate has been gone for several days over the holidays. You know she is home because her car is in the driveway and you were expecting her because she let you know she was back in town. You may or may not know about how she stopped for dinner with her boy.

Her bedroom door is shut. There is a car out front that looks like it could either belong to the boy or the neighbor since they have the same make, model, and possibly year, Do you...

A) Keep on walking.
B) Knock on the door and ask if she has company in there. When you don't hear her tiny voice replying "YEAH" knock again. When you don't hear her tiny voice replying "YEAH", say "okay, whatever" and wander off


VickeyMichelle said...

C. Sneak in steal a pair of shoes and a sweater. Die your hair the same color as the aforementioned roommate and try to steal her boyfriend......

Ginamonster said...

Now, you know C wouldn't happen! Unless you were my roommate in which case, HANDS OFF, WIFEY!
