Saturday, June 09, 2007

What the problem wasn't

The problem wasn't making myself look pregnant for "pregnant' themed bunco last night (and i must say that my bump was almost the best one. The best one belongs of course, to Shannon, who really is pregnant

The problem was trying to find pants.

And then it was realizing that I still needed to go to thee grocery store. I went to one outside my neighborhood, and thankfully didn't see anyone I knew on my way to my car. I get myself into the strangest predicaments.


NWJR said...

That's oddly funny. I wonder what they'd say at your job if you showed up like that on Mondy...

Buzz said...

Too funny...

Your hair is long! Never noticed that.

Ginamonster said...

nwjr, who knows. around here, gossip starts if you buy a new outfit.

Buzz, that's why I am afraid to let hairdressers touch it!

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

So hilarious! You should go to work that way!

Rich | Championable said...

Yeah, that's pretty much completely hilarious.

Sensei said...

HAHAHA! Just tell them you have a "BUNCO IN THE OVEN".

Ginamonster said...

I'm glad I can bring you a smile!